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« Back to articles from category "Food and Drinks"

The following article was published in our article directory on November 13, 2009.
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Tips on Doing a Healthy Weight Loss

Article Category: Food and Drinks

Going for a healthy weight loss has never been an easy goal. Fortunately, there are simple steps that you can follow to make your goal easier to achieve and fulfil. If you have been going hither and dither on a yo-yo dieting, it's time to put a stop to it and actually do something that can give you a long-term effect. You know that food makes you put the weight on so you think that skipping a meal or two would make you thinner faster. Well, it's time to put a halt to that myth and make yourself happy. Your metabolism starts to slow down when you're not getting enough food. Your body retains the fat to protect it from getting starved. So whether you like it or not, the truth is, the more you eat the faster your body gears up to burn fats.

The trick in eating more is in establishing portion control. If you want to manage your weight the in a correct manner, you should practice portion control. It is putting importance on how much you should eat. Sadly, there's not an easy way to decipher how much is the normal portion size fit for your body when you're constantly bombarded with restaurant feasts scrambling to give their customers the best value by crowding all sorts of foods in one plate. One way to protect yourself from this temptation is to know what exactly does the right serving size looks like. Conjuring up an image on what a healthy serving is supposed to be will help you eat rational portions each meal.

Whole grain products are vital parts of your diet that would make for a healthy weight loss. Grains, fruits and vegetables are foods that are abundant in nourishment but low in calories. They're also rich in fibre allowing you to consume in huge amount without having to gain an extra dreaded weight. The fibre from these foods will make you feel satiated for a long period of time, preventing you from overeating and keeping your portion control at a steady level. A diet rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables will not only help you lose weight effectively but they'll also make a huge improvement in your health.

Reading food labels will also help you keep track of what you're eating. It is a small gesture that could make a milestone in your quest to lose weight. When you make the practice of reading food labels, you'll be able to count your calorie intake, know your serving sizes, and compare food labels, allowing you to make informed decisions based on what you know and see.

Eating in between meals can actually help you speed up your weight loss by keeping your sugar level steady. With a stable level of blood sugar, your body doesn't go too hungry during mealtime. This way, you'll be able to stay true to your portion control and only eat what is necessary. You also need to exercise to burn your calories off quickly. working out boosts your metabolism urging your body to burn fat faster. Note that you need to do physical exercises at a level that you can keep up with. go easy on it or you'll strain and hurt yourself.

About the Author: Pat Jonson is a professional when it comes to the field of weight loss tips. To find out how to lose weight fast check out the website at

Keywords: how to lose weight fast, weight loss tips, lose weight, weight loss, diet plan

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