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The following article was published in our article directory on November 5, 2009.
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Jackson,ms _properties for sale Realtor

Article Category: Real Estate

Jackson, ms-Properties for sale
Home realtor-Ms. Canton
Jackson, ms Properties for sale by home realtor covering Canton, ms as well as Madison Ms. There certainly seem to be more than a few "for sale by owner" signs out there. Someone must think that selling the place without an agent is a workable option. And when you consider that an agent is going to take a portion of your profit, it sounds even more tempting.
Let's be honest
This report is going to offer you a ton of secrets that'll help make your house more marketable. That means more money and quicker sales. So why would you need an agent?

It's the law of supply and demand.
It makes no difference how marketable your house is if nobody sees it. If you only have one person making offers, you're probably going to be tempted to agree to anything they suggest. If, on the other hand, 20 people are all dying to buy the place, you'll have the luxury of deciding how much and under what conditions you're going to sell. The first seller, at best, can beg the buyer to come up with the assessed market value. The second can sit quietly after setting the price he or she wants and wait to see which of the buyers will come up with it first.
And that's what a realtor can do for you. There's this massive system that's been developed over the years that matches buyers and sellers together, a system that's controlled and regulated by the realtors of your neighborhood. They'll place your house in the Multiple Listing Databases, which will let every other realtor in town know your house is available.

As potential clients walk into any office around town, they're going to try to explain what they're looking for. If your house seems to match their dreams, the realtor is going to drive them across town to let them take a look. Aggressive realtors know what works. They've been at it a while. They use the Sunday paper, but many of them also list on television. Some use radio and more than a few have periodicals of their own that get handed out at grocery stores and restaurants. And the most up to date and marketing geniuses us the internet...putting up a website ONLY for your house .Yes, you're going to pay a commission for their services, but in the end, it's probably worth it.

About the only exception to that rule would be a house that's worth way more than you're looking to make. If property values have soared in your neighborhood and you just want to make a quick sale and get out with at least as much as you put in, then you can probably go without a realtor. But then, if that's the case, you probably don't need this book, either. But for the rest of us who don't mind making a profit when possible, here are a few facts you might want to consider:
• 85% of buyers begin their search by contacting a real estate agent. Wouldn't it be nice if they all had a way of knowing you had a house for sale?
The reason you hear so much about the "For Sale By Owner" homes is because there's a thriving industry out there scooping up these houses at way below market value. A realtor knows what your house can sell for, and often can make suggestions that'll help make it sell for even more. Yes, they take a commission, but more than likely they'll get you enough extra on the sale to more than cover their cost.
• Studies show that more than 90% of the homes originally listed as "For Sale By Owner" ended up reverting to an agent within 90 days. That's three extra months of paying mortgage payments before they actually got started on the process that would eventually sell the house for them.
So the answer is, no, you don't need an agent. Anybody capable of signing their name can sell a house, but why would you? In the long run, using a good agent is an investment that more than pays for itself. It's like buying good advertising. If it's good, then you're making $1000 for every $500 you invest, so why wouldn't you? Your agent will add $20,000 to the final selling price of your house and then take a $10,000 commission.

In the long run, that still adds up to a great deal. And that's without even considering all the mistakes you can make if you try to sell a place yourself. Should you include furniture? Do you need to tell them about that guy that died here 10 years ago? Is title insurance really necessary? How about those termites, should you tell the buyer or just let them find out for themselves? These are all crucial questions your realtor deals with every day, questions that can end you up in jail if you don't figure out the right answers.
So how do you go about finding the right realtor? There's a ton of variables to consider, and here's a checklist to work through as you look:
1. How long has the realtor been in business in this area? Is he or she familiar with the local realty market? Do they understand the local markets and know, say, that your area usually goes up in value a month before the University students get back into town?
2. Do you know anybody who's used them? How dependable were they? Did they follow up on clients adequately, and did they take the time to really understand the benefits of the property they were trying to sell (or was it just a matter of walking a few people through until someone made an offer). Did they actually sell, or just show?
3. What does the local Better Business Bureau have to say about them? Have other sellers filed any complaints against them? Remember, this guy or gal is going to become a business partner of yours. People interested in your house are going to meet your realtor before they meet you. If your realtor obviously has a few shady tendencies, in the end the only person who's going to suffer is you.
4. What kind of first impression did they make? Remember, this person is asking for a job selling your house. People enjoy buying from friends. If the person is obviously hard to get along with or offensive in some other way, maybe you should keep on shopping.
If the realtor can't sell you on their ability to do the job, then keep on looking. There's plenty of people out there who would love the business.
5. Ask the potential realtor to do two things for you.
(1)Ask them to look around and tell you what they really think of the place, and
(2) then ask them to show you what a sales talk might look like.
If the first question is answered with nothing but positives, then send them packing. If they immediately start telling you how great the place is and how easy it's going to be to sell, while stepping over the broken step on the porch and ignoring the need for a paint job, then chances are they'll come across just as phony to your potential clients.
You want someone who can be honest, both with you and your buyers. In the end, buyers appreciate being told about a flaw or two. Everybody knows that some flaws must be there, the question is, are you admitting to them or are you obviously trying to con them into having to dig for them themselves later on?
Your realtor should be able to point at the flaws and explain to you the importance of dealing with them. During the sales presentation they should be able to point out the highlights while not obviously ignoring the bad. If your picture window now faces the back wall of an apartment building, only a fool would try to keep the drapes closed and act like there's nothing wrong.
It's just a matter of time before the buyer is going to peek and realize this must be one of several secrets you're trying to hide. If, instead, the realtor began by making the point that "Well, there's a beautiful picture window in the living room that used to look out over the ocean. Now you get to watch the lawn grow in front of the apartments next door. But that's been calculated into the price. Over here, on the other side, there's a fireplace the owners spend a lot of time around. You'll notice the flat base that allows for warming pots by the fire..." and so forth.
Don't hide the flaws, admit them, accept them and then sell the good stuff. Any realtor that hasn't figured that out hasn't been at it too long, and certainly shouldn't be representing you in selling your house.

6. How many houses has the agent sold in your neighborhood? As soon as you know you're planning on selling your house, start writing down the names on the "Sold" signs within 4 or 5 blocks of your place. Most realtors specialize in certain neighborhoods. It lets them sell the neighborhood as much as the house. They know about the great schools and the powerful neighborhood watch program. If they work your neighborhood a lot, it's a definite plus to consider.
7. Audition potential agents. Before announcing that your house is going up for sale, go visit some of the open houses in your area. Ask the agent about the house. Look for flaws and face the agent with them. Questions like, "But didn't I see a termite problem over on the north side of the building?" can tell you a lot about an agent. If they lie, cross them off. If they leave you feeling it's an issue that will be adequately addressed, then give them a couple stars and move them towards the top of your list.
8. Check the agent's credentials. Unfortunately, there have been more than a few unscrupulous individuals who have tried to act like agents when in reality they weren't. There have even been a few that have made a large sale, only to run with the money (all of it). A qualified agent should have no problem showing you their license, or, if you prefer, call the local Board of Realtors and check up on them quietly.
Find an agent that works in the area of town you wish to live, who knows the good and bad of each neighborhood and who can guide you in determining which area would fit your lifestyle.
Once you find an agent you feel comfortable with, you'll need to work on your relationship. Remember, this person is committing themselves to trying to sell your house. You have the right to ask them how it's going and to place certain expectations on the relationships including constant contact and notification of prospective buyers. .
If you are considering any purchase or sale with Madison County , then Melissa is the lady to call.
She is a whirlwind of activity, ready to go to work for you and your family .
Call Melissa at 601 209 6093

About the Author: Melissa Honea has more than 18 years in sales and marketing in the Madison Ms area. A graduate of USM, show loves to fish , grown BIG tomatoes, and help with the Animal Shelter. A member of Ascension Lutheran, she is an active contributor to the community . Vist her on the internet at or

Keywords: madison ms homes for sale, Realtor in Madison, Reunion homes for sale, St. Ives homes for sale, Belle Terre Homes for sale, madison the city , Madison Condos and townhouses

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